The GTB vault is now open - join THE membership for Geography teachers, making life easier in the classroom so you can enjoy life on your terms!

Sample of Worksheets Linked to Geography Documentaries

Geography is a subject that is ever evolving, reflecting the changes we see in the world day to day, year to year.  

Although this is one of the reasons why I find the subject so fascinating, it's also one of the reasons why it is so hard to teach!  It's incredibly time consuming to keep up with everything especially if you want to maintain student interest and engagement.  

This is why I love documentaries!  There are so many wonderful programmes out there that are relevant to the curriculum and are simply an awe inspiring way to see the world.  But there is also a lot of trash (and hugely inappropriate stuff) out there which again takes time to sift through.

And this is where I come in!  Using my 20+ years of experience in the classroom, I know what's relevant, useful and appropriate for helping to teach geography.  I can generate questions linked to the documentaries to help ensure students stay engaged and provide you with the all-important answers so you can feel confident leading discussions in the follow up.

As a result, I now run the Geography Teacher Box vault, a membership providing time-strapped geography teachers like you with three brand new lesson resources each month.  Plus there are added bonuses like full key stage 3 units of work, ready to use straight away!

So dig into the free sample booklet to get a feel for my work and if you like what you get, consider joining the GTB vault, helping you keep teaching firmly in its job box!

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